About the Marin Cursillo Community
After the three day weekend, we are called to live our “4th Day”, the rest of our lives, through a life of friendship and love with our neighbors and God. Our Cursillo activities serve to support and sustain us in our relationship with Christ and to foster a stronger sense of Christian community.
Group reunions (4th Day Groups and Ultreyas) are two of the most important Cursillo community gatherings. Participation in a 4th Day Group with other Cursillistas is a primary objective of the Weekend to extend the spiritual journey begun during the weekend. 4th Day groups meet regularly and some Cursillistas may belong to more than one group. You may have been asked to join one after your weekend or you can find listing of groups and times on this website. You and others from your weekend may wish to start a 4th Day group. Help is always available to those who have this goal.
Ultreyas are a gathering of Cursillistas in a geographical area, for instance the Marin Cursillo Community Ultreya. The Ultreya serves as a structure to assist Christians in their perseverance. It is a mini weekend all in one night. Music, testimony, food, prayer and sharing each one’s journey. Ultreyas are usually held 3 to 4 times per year.
Palanca is prayer for the weekend coupled with an outward sign of love, encouragement and concern that can lead to spiritual growth. Palanca also can take the form of the gift of personal sacrifice, time, money and food. This not only enhances the weekend experience but also can be offered to others after the weekend.
Fundraisers are another time when the Marin Cursillo Community comes together to not only raise funds for the administration of Cursillo, but also to offset some of the costs of the weekend so candidates are not burdened financially to attend. While the main purpose is to raise funds, the underlying gift is bringing the community together to celebrate the gift that Cursillo has meant for their lives and to be able to help pass that gift on to other Christians with the help of funds raised. There will be 3 to 4 fundraisers a year.